Magic Places
The adults' guide to young children's creative art work NZ $29.95 plus postage All children are born creative. Our task is to ensure they stay that way. This little book, first published in 1983, has all the information and inspiration adults need to make sure that every child in their care retains their creativity. It addresses the question people have about what art activities are suitable for the child under three when children's consciousness is a world away from our own creative consciousness. Guardians of children's creativity pave the way for children to become initiators. artists, innovators and inventors in the chosen fields - be that the science, education, engineering, the arts, technology... or parenting Written for parents and teachers of children up to 11 years, in three parts. The first part covers the four stages of creativity with guidelines for adults to support each stage. Part two details the stages of creative development of children under seven. Part three gives practical tips on setting up an environment which is 'creativity heaven' for young children. "If there was an award for the very best ECE book in NZ this would be it. What an absolute treasure." Jean Rockel QSM Illustrated throughout with photos and children's art work, this book is essential reading for all adults who believe that children's creativity is too precious to squander unwittingly. Soft cover, 120 pages, 210mm x 163mm. ISBN 978-0-473-35500-5 Published in 2016 by Good Egg Books, Thames, New Zealand |
Dance With Me in the Heart
The adults' guide to great infant-parent partnerships NZ $29.95 plus postage Every baby arrives on this planet expecting partnership, and every child is genetically coded to be one half of that sacred first partnership. Dance With Me in the Heart offers guidelines for parents and teachers in following their hearts. It is 'heart intelligence' that weaves warm, loving partnerships between adults and babies, and it is this first partnership that lays the blueprint for every other relationship to follow. We adults are the senior dance partner, and our babies are relying on us to get the steps of the Heart Dance right. “Pennie’s simple yet profound approach will give you more parenting pleasure and your children will thrive. I recommend Dance with me in the Heart for all parents everywhere.” Dr Sarah Buckley, MB, ChB, Dip Obst. Author of “Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering” This book is inspired by the work of Dr Emmi Pikler and Joseph Chilton Pearce. Soft cover, 128 pages, 210mm x 163mm. ISBN 978-0-473-36146-4 First published in 2008, revised in 2014 Published in 2016 by Good Egg Books, Thames, New Zealand |
The Sacred Urge to Play
Unfolding your child's intelligence, imagination, creativity and joy for life NZ $39.95 plus postage A guide book to play for parents and teachers of young children from 0-7 Within the pages of this book you’ll find all you need to make play central in the lives of your own children and/or in the lives of the children you teach. Neuroscientists have isolated three pivotal factors for “a complex brain to create itself” during the first seven years of life. The first factor is emotional nurture, that warm, empathetic relationship that grows into trust in human beings. Along with emotional nurture goes conversation; the child and adult enjoy each other’s company, they enjoy talking together. The third factor is play and lots of it. The living and learning that happen through play offers each child their best chance for health, happiness, and success in education and living - both now and in the future. There is no hurry for ‘school’ learning. Study after study shows that leaving formal cognitively-based learning until after the brain has laid down the foundations required for abstract learning gives our children a ‘head’ start. "Pennie blends deep philosophy, psychology, and science with nuts-and-bolts advice making this an essential addition to the libraries of new teachers and seasoned veterans alike." "Teacher Tom" Hobson Soft cover, 192 pages, 210mm X 163mm. ISBN 978-0-473-37117-3 Published by Good Egg Books, Thames, New Zealand |